The Jellyfish App

Posted on February 02, 2017

We’re working with the world's leading expert on jellyfish to build an app to enable people to discover, identify and learn about amazing jellyfish species from around the world.

While there are plenty of articles on “the most deadly jellyfish” just a google search away there was nothing that brings it all together in an easy-to-use and portable package. As a tool for travelers, this app will be the go-to option for preparing for any dangerous jellyfish encounters.

This app will:

  • Display a map of nearby dangerous Jellyfish
  • Quickly ID most Jellyfish species
  • Provide detailed information on dangerous Jellyfish
  • Summarise first aid information for Jellyfish stings

In addition to the tools the app provides, there will be a section of frequently asked questions about jellyfish and an “Ask Dr. Lisa” section for sending photos of mysterious jellyfish that defy classification. All of this is done in-app, in a beautiful and simple manner.

The Leading Expert on Jellyfish, Dr. Lisa Gershwin

The key to this app is the extensive knowledge of Dr. Lisa Gershwin, a truly unique and inspiring individual with boundless passion for sea life. Dr. Lisa has made an impressive career of studying a range of marine invertebrates, she’s also a published author and has delivered two popular TED talks on the potential for a dangerous rise in jellyfish population.

Bringing the App to market and keeping it there

The aim for the project is to make the world of jellyfish accessible, and to generate income capable of sustaining a strong development lifecycle.

Unlike some immortal species of jellyfish, apps have a lifecycle. As usage increases users weigh in, and their activity helps to shape the roadmap for updates to keep it relevant to the market. Viability is a big consideration when the journey of creating an app begins.

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Viability happens by bringing together purpose of the app with the design and technology it needs to succeed.


The Jellyfish App will be downloadable for IOS or Android devices later this year in either a paid option or the free ad-supported version.

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